BlackBerry Met With Facebook Last Week on Potential Bid フェースブックがブラックベリーを買収?

BlackBerry Ltd. (BBRY) executives flew to California to meet with Facebook Inc. (FB) last week to gauge its interest in a potential bid for the struggling smartphone-maker, according to people familiar with the matter.

It remains unclear whether Facebook is interested in placing a bid. Spokesmen for both companies declined to comment.

The meeting could reignite speculation that Facebook is building its own smartphone. As the social network has increasingly catered to mobile users in recent years, with nearly half of its sales generated from ads shown on wireless devices, it has also grown dependent on hardware makers such as Apple Inc. and Samsung Electronics Co. to distribute its software and collect user data.

Buying BlackBerry would let Facebook cut out these partners and sell a line of its own phones directly to its most rabid users. Still, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg has publicly denied wanting to build his own phone, calling this the “wrong strategy.” As an alternative, the company has pursued deeper partnerships with manufacturers on mobile software called Facebook Home.

Any potential BlackBerry bidder would have a number of assets to look over, though the value of each asset is up for debate.

BlackBerry is sitting on about $2.6 billion in cash and has no debt, though that cash pile is starting to erode as the company deals with weak phone sales, inventory pile up and layoffs.

The most attractive piece for a company like Facebook will most likely be BlackBerry’s patents, which consist of security network technology and smartphone component patents, among others, and which analysts estimate to be worth between $1 and $3 billion.

And for a company looking to get a jump-start in the smartphone game, BlackBerry still has around 70 million subscribers around the world (though BlackBerry no longer reports that figure, which is likely smaller now).

And BlackBerry is seeing renewed interest in its BlackBerry Messenger tool, which might interest a potential buyer. The company announced Tuesday that there are now 20 million iPhone and Android users using BBM, and more than 80 million total monthly active users.

Last month BlackBerry struck a preliminary deal to go private with Canadian insurer Fairfax Financial Holdings Ltd. for $4.7 billion, or $9 a share. The due diligence period for that deal ends next week, but BlackBerry and its advisers remain open to interest from other potential bidders. The deadline for other bids is Monday.

BlackBerry’s stock is currently trading under $9. On Tuesday the shares rose about 1.3% to $8.31. Facebook’s stock was down 1.6% to $49.41.

BlackBerry does have other players circling. Earlier this month The Wall Street Journal reported that Chinese computer giant Lenovo Group Ltd. was interested in a possible bid. And BlackBerry has signed a nondisclosure agreement with distressed asset specialists Cerberus Captial Management LP, people familiar with the matter have said.

BlackBerry’s co-founders, Mike Lazaridis and Doug Fregin are also weighing a bid, according to a Securities and Exchange Commission filing earlier this month.

After years of seeing its share of the smartphone market erode, BlackBerry in August announced a wide-ranging strategic review that essentially put the company up for sale. The company wrote down nearly $1 billion in unsold smartphone inventory, and is in the process of cutting 40% of its staff.

[iPhone] iPhone5S発表まで24時間切り!会場の装飾進む 「カラフル」がキーワード

日本時間11日午前2時の発表会開始時刻まで24時間を切ったアップルのメディアイベントですが、同イベントではiPhone 5SとiPhone 5Cの両方が発表されるとみられています。すでにNTTドコモの加藤薫社長が現地入りしているという情報も聞こえてくる中、イベント会場となるアップル本社キャンパス内では会場の装飾が進んでいるようです。


今回のテーマは「This should brighten everyone’s day.」。日本語版の案内では「きっと鮮やかな一日になるはずです。」と書かれています。


これが何を意味するのか予想するのが毎回の楽しみでもあるのですが、個人的には、iPhone 5Sの新色「シャンパン」「グラファイト」の追加と、iPhone 5Cの「5色展開」、さらに「鮮やかさを増す製品ラインナップ」といった意味が含まれているように思えます。
日本ではiPhone 5Sの発売が大きなターニングポイントになることは間違いなく、NTTドコモの取扱い開始は非常に重要な要素になることでしょう。さらにiPhone 5S自体も従来の “S付きモデル” とは異なり、単なるスペックアップデートに留まらず指紋認証機能やNFCと組み合わせたセキュア決済機能が搭載されるとみられます。
さすがに今週1週間は国内外の大手メディアまでも「iPhone Week」になることは不可避な状況で、ガジェット速報もお祭り感たっぷりでiPhone 5Sの発売を見守っていきたいと思います。

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設定>インターネット共有>オン ここにパスワードが書かれています。


KDDIに措置命令 LTEで不当表示 消費者庁



 問題になったのは高速通信サービス「au 4G LTE」の人口カバー率を2013年3月末に96%に拡大する計画について、12年秋から13年の年初にかけ自社のカタログやホームページなどに掲載した内容。米アップルのスマートフォン(スマホ)「iPhone5」でも同様に全国の主要都市で受信容量が最大毎秒75メガバイトで通信できるかのように表示していた。実際の対応エリアは限定的で、13年3月末時点での同機種の人口カバー率は14%にとどまっていた。



iPhone 5Sはよりカラフルでより美しく。進化したRetina+搭載&カラバリ6〜8色で来年6月に登場


先日の記事で背面部分と思しきパーツの写真がリークされたiPhone 5S。前回のiPhone 4S同様にスペックの向上はもちろんのこと、かなり端末としても進化したものになるかもしれません。Business InsiderはiPhone 5Sがより進化したディスプレイを搭載し、それに合わせてバッテリー容量も向上したものになると報じています。


